The contents of the book are as follows:
1) Introduction
2) The opening address
3) Some observations on the art of Advocacy
4) How to win your case
5) The honest lawyer
6) The profession of the law
7) The five functions of the lawyer
8) The Just Judge
9) The closing speech
10) Forensic Persuasion
11) The writing of judgements
12) The duty of a lawyer
13) Illustrative cases
14) Humour in law
15) Some suggestions to junior lawyers
16) The qualities of a judge
17) Essentials of a lawyer
18) The moving of WRIT petitions
19) Courtroom humour
20) What do I expect from an Advocate
21) The Art of presentation of a case in court
22) How to argue an appeal
23) Know your law
24) Humour in court
25) Study and preparation of a case
26) Manner of citing cases
27) How to prepare an original suit
28) Arguments on facts
29) The Art of winning cases
30) Advocacy
31) How to study a case
32) Lawyering and justicising
33) The lawyer and the administration of justice
34) How to argue a case in court
35) Meeting clients
36) The practice of the law
37) Court and court manners
38) Trial of indian criminal cases-delay of F.I.R.
40) How to argue appeals
41) What do I expect from an advocate
42) How to be a good advocate
43) What do I expect of an appellate court
44) How to be a good Lawyer
45) Traditions of the bar
46) Some Aspects of appellate Advocacy
47) The junior bar
48) The preparation of a case
49) The Lawyer's profession and his art
50) Advice to young advocates
51) Advocacy
52) Professional ethics
53) Law and lawyers
54) Professional conduct
55) What is expected of a lawyer?
56) The General Counsel_By whatever name called
57) The outlook of a judge
58) What the judge expects from Advocate of High Court
59) Manner of Citing cases
60) The Art of Pleading
61) Advice to Advocates
62) Role of lawyers in effecting comprise of a suit
63) The art of Advocacy-the qualities of top lawyers and how to cultivate them
64) Devotion to justice
65) Look into judge's eye and speak into his ears
66) Law, Justice and Morality-challenges and reflection from the life of advocate bram fischer
67) Tactics
68) The Art of Persuasion- crafting your opening and closing arguments
69) Opening statement in criminal cases
70) Preparing and delivering an effective closing argument to a Jury
71) How to give a jury argument
72) Illustrative arguments
73) Enrollment of advocates-code of conduct and professional etiquette
74) Adjudication in trial courts
75) Dynamic Lawyering, Juristic Engineering and Ethical Standards - The bar must promote in courts
76) Free legal aid and poor litigants
77) Free legal aid code-A social service measure
78) Making of a good Lawyer
Part II
78) Golden rules of cross examination
79) The manner of cross examination
80) The art of cross examination
81) Some rules of cross examination
82) The Art of cross examination
83) The art of cross examination
84) Cross Examination- its aims and limitations
85) Indian Evidence Act and cross examination
86) Cross Examination
87) An approach to cross examination
88) Integration of goals on witness examination
89) The ten commandments of cross examination
90) Cross Examination of criminal cases
91) Classes to the witnesses and as to the mode of cross examining them
92) Some famous examples of cross examination
93) Tips for effective cross examination
94) A few tips on cross examination