1- The Pakistan Army Act, 1952
2- The Pakistan Army Rules, 1954
3- The Pakistan Air Force Act, 1953
4- The Pakistan Navy Ordinance, 1961
5- Karachi Port Security Force Ordinance, 2002
6- Pakistan Maritime Zones Act, 2023
7- Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Transfer of Managed Establishments) Ordinance, 1980
8- Maritime Security Agency Act, 1994
9- The PAF Air War College Institute Act, 2021
10- The Aircraft (Removal of Danger to Safety) Ordinance, 1965
11- The Pakistan Naval Academy (Award of Degrees) Ordinance, 1965
12- The Naval Armament Act, 1923
13- The Pakistan Navy (Extension of Service) Act, 1950
14- The Pakistan Ordinance Factories Board Ordinance, 1961
15- The Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Ordinance, 2000
16- Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment Related to Nuclear And Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act, 2004
17- The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Board, Ordinance, 2000
18- The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Ordinance, 1965
19- Thc Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority Ordinance, 2001
20- The Påkistan (Army and Air Force) Reserves Act, 1950
21- The Pakistan Military Academy (Degrees and Certificates)Ordinance, 1959
22- The Military College of Engineering, Risalpur (Degree) Ordinance, 1962
23- The Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901
24- The Compulsory Service in the Armed Forces Ordinance, 1971
25- Pakistan Armed Forces Nursing Act, 1952
26- Armed Forces(Emergency Duties) Act, 1947
27- The Armed Forces Civil General Transport Companies and Requisition of Civil Transport Ordinance, 2002
28- The Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act, 1938
29- The Pakistan Junior Cadet Corps Act 1953
30- The Soldiers (Litigation) Act, 1925
31- The Reservists (Reinstatement in Civil Employment) Ordinance, 1965
32- Defence Services (Inquiry) (Special Provisions) Ordinance, 1969
33- The Works of Defence Act, 1903
34- The Securitv of Pakistan Act, 1952
35- The National Security Council Act, 2004
36- The Pakistan National Service Ordinance, 1970
37- The Prevention of Anti-National Activities Act, 1974
38- The Civil Defence Act, 1952
39- War Injuries Ordinance, 1941
40- War Risks Insurance Ordinance, 1971.
41- War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1943
42- The War Risks Insurance Continuance Ordinance, 1969
43- Limitation (Emergency And War Conditions) Act, 1965
44- Private Military Organisations (Abolition And Prohibition) Act, 1973
45- Pakistan Rangers Ordinance, 1959
46- West Pakistan Rangers (Administration and Control) Order, 1972
47- The North-West Frontier Constabulary Act, 1915.
48- The Frontier Corps Ordinance, 1959
49- The Pakistan Territorial Force Act, 195()
50- The National Guards Act, 1973
51- The Airports Security Force Act, 1975
52- The North-West Border Military Police Act 1904
53- The West Pakistan Border Area Regulation, 1959
54- Protection of Pakistan Act, 2014
55- Official Secrets Act, 1923