The Most Authoritative & Comprehensive Manual for Foreign Exchange
1- Introductory
2- Authorized Dealers
3- Restricted Authorization to deal in Foreign Exchange
4- Forward Exchange Facilities
5- Nostro Accounts & Foreign Exchange Exposure Limits of Authorized Dealers
6- Private Foreign Currency Accounts
7- Non-Resident Rupee Accounts of Authorized Dealers’ Overseas Branches, Foreign Correspondents and Non-Resident Exchange Companies
8- Non-Resident Rupee Accounts
9- Blocked Accounts
10- Inward and Outward Remittances
11- Dealings in Foreign Currency Notes and Coins Etc. by the Authorized Dealers
12- Exports
13- Imports
14- Commercial Remittances
15- Insurance Business
16- Private Remittances
17- Travel
18- Import and Export of Currency Notes and Coin, Foreign Exchange, Jewellery, Gold and Silver
19- Loans, Overdrafts and Guarantees
20- Securities
21- Repatriation of Invisible Earnings of Foreign Exchange
22- Returns of All Foreign Exchange Transactions
APPENDIX-I: Foreign Exchange Regulations Act, 1947
APPENDIX-II: Notifications issued by the Federal Government under Foreign Exchange Regulations Act, 1947
APPENDIX-III: Notification issued by the SBP under Foreign Exchange Regulations Act, 1947
APPENDIX-IV: List of Authorized Dealers
APPENDIX-V: Forms of Applications, Declarations and Returns