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A Hand Book for Office Procedure, Drafting & Noting

Availability: Out of stock
  • Author : Law Book House
  • Cover : Hard bound
  • Edition : 2021
  • Price : 500
  • PKR: 500
  • Description

1. Receipt, Registration and Distribution of Letters and other Communications in a Ministry
2. Diarising, Perusal and Distribution of Dak in a section
3. Action on Receipts (Dak) in a section
4. Noting Technique
5. Drafting of Communication
6. Action on, and after, issue of Drafts
7. Forms and Rules of Correspondence
8. Filling System and Maintenance of Files
9. Indexing, Recording, Preserving, Destroying and Custody of Files
10. Devices to Check Delays in Office Work
11. Inter-Departmental References: One Ministry to another
12. Procedure Regarding Inspections Sections
13. Machinery of Government of Pakistan
14. Officers and Officials in a Ministry
15. Office Machines for Office Work
16. Important Instructions in regard to Type-Writing
17. Office Management in a Ministry
18. Organisation and Methods Division, Government of Pakistan
19. Glossary of Official Terminology
I. General Information about Records
II. Specimens of Forms
III, Specimens of Forms of Government
Written Communications


500 (PKR)
500 (PKR)